I am a huge fan of gamification and the potential that gamification has for motivating learners. I have a paper published about Gamification in the Journal of Trends and Issues in Educational Technology.
Despite my busy schedule this week, I couldn't resist taking part in the Scratch and Win games challenge in the E-Learning Heroes Challenge this week.
I took the concept and the template file provided, and changed it from three scratch and win areas to nine areas. My inspiration was a course on Safety Supervision for Swimming Instructors that I have been considering updating lately. Ive used a Scratch and Win game to allow the learn to test their luck at choosing their class. In the real world, as an instructor, sometimes you win and sometimes you don't really get a class you've bargained for. All students have different needs and abilities. You never really know until the students are sitting in front of you, what you might get similar to a scratch and win.
Once the learner has scratched off five squares, I have created an interaction which will display information about each swimmer when you hover your mouse over the swimmers image. When I have a bit more time, I will finish my demo including creating information about each swimmer.
Try Out the Interaction
Try your hand at this scratch off game.